September 20-21, 2019
Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole
7 MBL St., Woods Hole, MA 02543
7:00 a.m. Bus Loads 266 Whitney Ave-
7:15 Bus Departs Bass Loading Dock
10:00-10:55 MBL Registration begins Swope Bld-MBL Coffee and light snacks served Lillie Auditorium
10:55-12:30 Session 1 Lillie Auditorium
Matt Simon, Nikhil Malvankar and Carol Migdalski
Julien Berro with Yuan Ren
How to produce force to deform the plasma membrane into tiny vesicles?
Erdem Karatekin
Dynamics of membrane tension and synaptic vesicle recycling
Joe Howard with Olivier Trottier
Branching morphogenesis
Kai Zhang
The unlimited potential of cryo-EM
Growing up in Science: Karla Neugebauer – A personal narrative about becoming a scientist.
12:30-1:35 Lunch with continued discussion in marked area Swope
1:45-3:30 Session 2 Lillie Auditorium
Yong Xiong with Swapnil Devarkar
The molecular arms race between human and HIV
Candie Paulsen with Justin Sanders
The Paulsen Lab: Studying Molecular Mechanisms of Pain at Yale
Franziska Bleichert
How to make a DNA replication origin: mechanisms of initiator function
Nikhil Malvankar with Yangqi Gu
Discovery of novel microbial nanowires and their assembly machinery
Wendy Gilbert with Cassandra Schaening-Burgos
Systems approaches to unraveling RNA-dependent gene regulation
3:30-3:50 Break with light refreshments
3:50-5:00 Session 3
Christian Schlieker with Sarah Prophet
Linking Torsins, nuclear envelope dynamics and nuclear pore biogenesis
Lillian Kabache
DNA Damage Repair and the Mitotic Machinery: working in concert to prevent genome instability
Tony Koleske
Understanding how mutations in TRIO cause schizophrenia and related disorders
Flash Talks & Macnab Award Introduction
5:15-7:00 Poster Session (snacks & beverages served) Swope
7:00 Dinner-Assigned Seating with 7:45 Trivia
8:00-10:00 Mixer Meigs Room
7:00-9:00 Breakfast Swope
9-10:30 Free time (activity list available)
10:30-12:15 Session 4 Lillie Auditorium
Mark Hochstrasser
How intracellular bacteria manipulate host reproduction
Karin Reinisch
VPS13 Proteins: Channels for Lipid Transport Between Membranes
Karla Neugebauer with Kirsten Reimer
RNA synthesis and processing in the space-time continuum
Wei Mi
Cryo-EM studies of membrane proteins from bacterial pathogens
Michael Koelle with Robert Fernandez
Learning how neurons communicate by mapping neurotransmitter signaling
12:15-1:15 Lunch Swope
1:15-2:45 Session 5 Lillie Auditorium
Matt Simon with Martin Machyna
Insights into RNA and chromatin biology using nucleotide chemistry
Titus Boggon
Structural biology of Rho signaling cascades
Yongli Zhang
Single-molecule manipulation of proteins involved in membrane fusion, lipid exchange, and mechanosensation
David Schatz with Chang Liu
Structural snapshots of a RAG-like transposase in action
Joan Steitz with Seyed Torabi
Viral Noncoding RNAs: approaching answers.
2:45-3:00 Concluding remarks with announcement of Macnab Prize winners
3:00-3:15 Group Photo Steps of Lillie
3:30 Bus Departs Swope entrance